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Writer's pictureKurt Clark Ministries


Exodus 20:9-10 NIV

"Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work."

Sometimes we get stuck being plugged-in. Our daily lives have become so connected; we are guaranteed to be plugged-in to our daily routine or some type of social platform that connects us to what’s going on in the world around us. Devices have made it easier for us to be constantly connected any time day or night. Do you find it difficult at times to just unplug? Are you stuck in the "on" position? This is an unfortunate, yet common theme for us all. Our inability to not only turn off the switch, but to unplug, relax and cleanse our minds, our bodies and our souls. We tell ourselves that we don’t have time to be disconnected; that we will take that vacation next year. Do you find yourself avoiding opportunities to unplug? Somehow we convince ourselves that everything else is more important than the time we need for ourselves.

God gave the Israelites a mandatory way to unplug. It was called the Sabbath. This was a way they honored God, as they remembered that the world’s problems and opportunities didn't rest on their shoulders. But it didn't only honor God; it was also good for them. They had a rhythm of rest and work which kept them from burning out. This week consider taking some time to unplug and rest. Do something that honors God and fills you up in the process.


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